Familienwanderung: Drau-Ursprung
A destination for families in Innichen
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Age of children:0 to 1 years1 to 2 years2 to 4 years4 to 6 years6 to 10 yearsover 10 yearsYoung people
Destination is:a hikea hike
Main topicMain topic: not specified
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weatherweather: not specified
strollerstroller: not specified
dogsdogs: not specified
Description Destination
This excursion destination is a hike. This tip for families in Innichen offers a good opportunity for family time.
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Homepage: www.innichen.it
Nearby attractions
PremiumPremium excursion destinations nearby are primarily displayed here.
Bikepark Lienz
Biking with a panorama
Lienz (Lienz) 37.6 km -
Sommerrodelbahn Osttirodler Lienz
Hey! Hey! Let's go!
Lienz 37.6 km -
Familienpark Zettersfeld
The mountain experience for the whole family
Lienz (Lienz) 39.5 km -
Palfner Alm Rauris
The alpine pasture for the whole family in any weather - Tälerbus
Rauris 66.1 km -
Pyramidenwanderung in Steinegg
Romantic hike through forests, meadows and gorges with a view of the mighty
Steinegg 69.0 km -
JUFA Hotels
Happy family vacation together
Kaprun 69.2 km
Properties Destination Familienwanderung: Drau-Ursprung
The operator of this Destination entry has not provided any directions.
- Street: Pflegplatz 1
- Postal code: 39038
- City: Innichen
- Federal State: Trentino-South Tyrol
- country: Italy
- not specified
- Latitude : 46.732080
- Longitude : 12.282280
Photos Destination Familienwanderung: Drau-Ursprung
Upload photos now (as a visitor)Photo Gallery Destination
address: Pflegplatz 1 39038 Innichen Italy
- phone: +39 047... show
- fax: not specified
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage: www.innichen.it
opening hours
opening hours:Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | public holidays |
Open all day | Open all day | Open all day | Open all day | Open all day | Open all day | Open all day | Open all day |
Popular Ausflugsziele
PremiumPremium Ausflugsziele with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
Palfner Alm Rauris
The alpine pasture for the whole family in any weather - Tälerbus
Rauris 66.1 km -
Sommerrodelbahn Osttirodler Lienz
Hey! Hey! Let's go!
Lienz 37.6 km -
Bikepark Lienz
Biking with a panorama
Lienz (Lienz) 37.6 km -
Familienpark Zettersfeld
The mountain experience for the whole family
Lienz (Lienz) 39.5 km -
Pyramidenwanderung in Steinegg
Romantic hike through forests, meadows and gorges with a view of the mighty
Steinegg 69.0 km -
Schatz der Königstochter. - Outdoor Escape - Kufstein
Outdoor Escape - go on a puzzle rally with your mobile phone
Kufstein 95.1 km
All information about Destination Familienwanderung: Drau-Ursprung is without guarantee
Public questions and answers about Familienwanderung: Drau-Ursprung
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