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  • Age of children:
    0 to 1 years 1 to 2 years 2 to 4 years all...
    0 to 1 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • Destination is:
    a nature experience a playground a hike
    a nature experience
    a playground
    a hike
  • Main topic:
    adventure Action Movement all...
  • restaurant
  • Price level
  • weather:
    Fair weather Rainy weather wind all...
    Fair weather
    Rainy weather
  • Children's birthday parties
  • stroller
    stroller: not specified
  • dogs:


Description Destination

The Laßnitzhöhe region is like New York, only completely different.
Instead of Broadway, there is the sebastian RELOADED® adventure trail and instead of skyscrapers,
trees reach up to the sky. Experience pure nature and culinary delights and take health and vitality
home with you! The adventure trail has 25 loving, innovative and modern stations. With its approximately 7 km, it inspires the whole family and playfully introduces every visitor to a new health awareness. A high fun factor is guaranteed! For example, you have to "rip out trees" or "let yourself be weighed in gold". If you are ready to face your "inner demons", then
you should visit the station of the same name first!

Event tip 2021:

June 26th: Schmankerlwanderntag: exercise and regional delicacies in the countryside:

Nearby attractions


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Properties Destination sebastian RELOADED® Terrainkur-Erlebnisweg

  • Destination is:
    a nature experience
    a playground
    a hike
  • amusement park:
    Adventure Park
  • gastronomy:
    child-friendly restaurant
    Children's Café
  • Cultural institution:
    Puppet theatre
  • worth seeing place:
  • Sports facility:
    Tennis court
  • Away:
    Adventure trail
    Nature trail
    Learning path

  • Age of children:
    0 to 1 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • weather:
    Fair weather
    Rainy weather
  • dogs:
  • Minimum age: no limit
  • Seasonal opening hours: open all year
  • Information on opening hours: Hibernation is better than spring fatigue:
    You can of course explore our adventure trail for free all year round. But when does this hibernation actually begin? The sebastian RELOADED® adventure trail is definitely taking part this year. Because some adventure stations are currently in hibernation due to the weather. But still enjoy our trail, even if some stations are in rest mode!

  • Pricing

  • Main topic:
  • Length of time:
    under an hour
    half day
    several days
  • Children's birthday parties

  • restaurant
  • snack
  • WC
  • Changing table
  • Parking

Location Destination

Route planner


    All roads lead to Laßnitzhöhe!
    That may be a bit exaggerated, but there are actually many ways to get to the Laßnitzhöhe region: From Graz Airport it takes no more than 15 minutes and from Vienna just under two hours. Laßnitzhöhe is located on the southern motorway A2, about 15 km from Graz. But Laßnitzhöhe is also easily accessible by train and bus; the S3 from Graz runs every half hour during peak times.
    Transport connections by train:
    With the S 3 express train you can reach Laßnitzhöhe in no time from both Graz and Feldbach.
    S 3 timetable Laßnitzhöhe – Graz – Laßnitzhöhe » Combined line » ÖBB Scotty route planner
    Bus connection to the Laßnitzhöhe region:
    420 Graz - Laßnitzhöhe - Nestelbach – Gleisdorf
    430 Graz - Pachern - Autal – Laßnitzhöhe
    431 Graz – Thondorf – Hausmannstätten – Vasoldsberg – Nestelbach
    440 Graz - Nestelbach near Graz - St. Marein near Graz/Kohldorf - Kirchberg a.d.Raab
    360 Graz - Eggersdorf - Kainbach Karl-Schubert-School - Gleisdorf


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 47.076760
    • Longitude : 15.582760

    Route planner Contact

    Destination reviews 45


    Overall impression 4,5
    Entertainment factor 5,0
    Learning factor 5,0
    Natural factor 5,0
    Movement factor 5,0
    Fun factor 5,0

    suitable for

    stroller 4,0
    Children from 0 to 1 years 2,5
    Children from 1 to 2 years 4,0
    Children from 3 to 4 years 5,0
    Children from 4 to 6 years 5,0
    Children from 6 to 10 years 5,0
    Children over 10 years 5,0
    Young people 5,0
    School groups 5,0

    suitable for

    sunshine 5,0
    Rain 2,5
    wind 4,0
    Snow 4,0
    heat 5,0
    cold 5,0
    changing weather 4,5
    Cloud cover 5,0

    Destination sebastian RELOADED® Terrainkur-Erlebnisweg rate now

    4,9 / 5

    18 reviews

    via: Facebook

    4,2 / 5

    24 reviews

    via: Google

    Overall impression

    Nicht gewartet

    Die Idee an sich gut, leider äußerst mangelhaft gewartet. Vieles funktioniert nicht, wir waren enttäuscht.

    Alex P. visited sebastian RELOADED® Terrainkur-Erlebnisweg in August 2022 .

    Overall impression

    Super cooler Weg!

    Dieser Erlebnisweg ist echt super cool und sehr lustig. Ein besonderer Themenweg und nur ein paar Minuten von Graz entfernt.
    Tipp: Schaut euch bitte die Station "Innerer Schweinehund" und "Ein Lauf zum Zerkugeln" an - sooo lustig!!! Wo bei die Millionenshow bei der Station "Der grüne Star". Alleine die Homepage ist schon mal was anderes:
    Hier war echt mal eine kreative Agentur dahinter. Kompliment!!!

    Daniel K. visited sebastian RELOADED® Terrainkur-Erlebnisweg in August 2021 .

    Overall impression

    Besonderes Bewegungsabenteuer am Erlebnisweg sebastian RELOADED® in Laßnitzhöhe

    Entlang des Erleb­nis­weges sebas­tian RELOADED® in Laßnitz­höhe (Erlebnisregion Graz) triffst du auf 25 humor­volle Erleb­nis­sta­tionen. Du erlebst auf 7,3 km ein Bewe­gungs­aben­teuer der ganz beson­deren Art. So kannst du deinem „Inneren Schwei­ne­hund“ gegen­über­treten, „Bäume ausreißen" oder sogar nach Herzens­lust schreien. Es könnte leicht sein, dass du hier dein neues Lieb­lings­plat­zerl findest, denn dieser einzig­ar­tige Erleb­nisweg bietet Spaß, Akti­vität, Abwechs­lung und Unter­hal­tung nur für DICH (und natür­lich auch für deine ganze Familie und deine Freunde).

    Irene S. visited sebastian RELOADED® Terrainkur-Erlebnisweg in August 2021 .

    Non-binding inquiry to sebastian RELOADED® Terrainkur-Erlebnisweg

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    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day

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    All information about Destination sebastian RELOADED® Terrainkur-Erlebnisweg is without guarantee

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