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Description Destination

Alt-Kainach Castle Bärnbach Alt-Kainach Castle A four-storey Renaissance building with a high hipped roof, in the middle of a green park landscape, surrounded by noble deciduous trees, tells us many stories of times gone by. The special features of Alt-Kainach Special exhibition on the ground floor Since 1985 we have found the special exhibition “Around the Holy Mountain – Archaeological finds, Roman stones and marble in the district of Voitsberg” on the ground floor of the castle. This exhibition was curated by Prof. Dr. Ernst Lasnik and founded in 1994 in cooperation with Univ. Doz. Dr. Bernhard Hebert from the Federal Monuments Office expanded. Collection of castle models – a small Minimundus Particularly interesting – especially for schoolchildren and young people – is the collection of various castle models. Here, the explorer's heart beats faster when you immerse yourself in medieval times and imagine the living conditions of that time. Crossbow shooting range in the basement The Styrian Castle Association has set up a shooting range in the basement of Alt-Kainach Castle, which can be rented by groups and individuals for events. You shoot with a crossbow at a target 10 meters away. There is seating for about 10 people directly at the shooting range. Here you can sit comfortably together and enjoy a drink and a traditional knight's snack. Events in the castle are always something special. Whether weddings, readings or various concerts - the Alt-Kainach castle with its various rooms offers the ideal conditions for many occasions and creates lasting memories.

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Properties Destination Burgschloss Alt-Kainach

  • age of the children:
    0 to 1 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • Minimum age: no limit
  • Seasonal opening hours: open all year
  • Information on opening hours: Visits and guided tours are possible from the beginning of May to the end of October by telephone arrangement between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Contact:
    Prof. Dr. Ernst Lasnik | +43 3142 22218 | +43 664 2305692

  • Pricing

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    • not specified
    • Latitude : 47.083020
    • Longitude : 15.124790

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    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day

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