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  • age of the children:
    6 to 10 years over 10 years Young people
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • Destination is:
    a way
    a way
  • main topic:
    Movement Story Horses all...
  • restaurant
  • price level
  • weather:
    Fair weather
    Fair weather
  • stroller:
    fully suitable
    fully suitable
  • dogs:


Description Destination

The Haflinger Adventure Trail – a themed trail dedicated to the Haflinger horse – is particularly suitable as a family hike on the high plateau of Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 near Merano in South Tyrol. Designed to be suitable for strollers, even the littlest ones can join in on the varied themed hike, which is entirely dedicated to Haflinger horses. Foly, the mascot of the Haflinger Adventure Trail, accompanies hikers to the various stations with information prepared for children.
What does a Haflinger horse have to look like and what does it like to eat? Where do Haflinger horses come from and what makes them so special? The answers to these and many other questions are answered at the twelve stations of the Haflinger Adventure Trail. As the name suggests, it is mainly about the Haflinger horse.
How strong is horsepower? A lot of interesting information about horses in general is conveyed here in a playful way. Find out how much horsepower a horse has or what the work steps of a farrier are. Identify the different gaits of the horses based on the order of the hoof prints and tap out the rhythm on a large drum.
With the accompanying app challenge, you can not only listen to exciting stories, but also take part in a challenge. Answer all questions about the Haflinger horses and collect as many horseshoes as possible and pick up a surprise at the information office!

Nearby attractions


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Properties Destination Haflinger Erlebnisweg

  • Destination is:
    a way
  • Away:
    Adventure trail

  • age of the children:
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • weather:
    Fair weather
  • stroller:
    fully suitable
  • dogs:
  • Minimum age: 6 Years
  • barrier-free
  • Seasonal opening hours: open all year
  • Information on opening hours: Accessible from spring to autumn.
    Use of the adventure trail at your own risk.
    Parents are responsible for their children.
    Dogs must be kept on a leash.
    The adventure trail is regularly maintained. If you notice any defects, please report them to the Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 tourist association.
    As the Haflinger adventure trail was planned and designed with great care, we ask you to treat all stations with care and not leave any rubbish behind.
  • Video about the destination:

  • Pricing

  • main topic:
  • Number of existing animal species: 1

  • restaurant
  • snack
  • Supply option: on site
  • WC
  • public transportation: 0.10 km away
  • reachable with:
  • parking options
  • Number of parking spaces: 50

  • environmental focus:
  • Shadow:

Location Destination

Route planner


    From Merano take bus no. 225 to the Hafling Dorf stop. There, follow the hoof prints on the ground to the start of the adventure trail. Not a circular route. Return on foot or by bus.


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 46.647644
    • Longitude : 11.217769

    Route planner Contact

    Destination reviews 210

    4,6 / 5

    210 reviews

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    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays

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