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Description Destination

The show house provides a place of remembrance that allows visitors to experience the life of the working population in Friedrichshafen at the time when the Zeppelin industry was founded. It is an ideal complement to the exhibition on the history and technology of the Zeppelins in the Zeppelin Museum, as it examines the history not from the perspective of the captains and engineers, but from the perspective of the workers.
Visitors are welcome – the house at König-Wilhelm-Platz 12 is part of the Zeppelindorf factory settlement. It was built in 1914 in the immediate vicinity of the factory premises of Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH. On the occasion of its 100th anniversary, Zeppelin Wohlfahrt GmbH, together with the Zeppelin Museum, opened the show house to visitors as a museum in 2013. The Zeppelin Museum set up the exhibition and operates the show house as an outpost.
The show house is open on Sundays from 12:00 to 17:00 (May–October).
Please note: For fire safety reasons, a tour is only possible for a maximum of 12 people at a time. The property is not barrier-free.
Adults (17 years and older) €5.00
Children free
Real Lake Constance Card 4,50 €
Combined ticket Schauhaus / Zeppelin Museum 15,00 €

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Properties Destination Schauhaus im Zeppelindorf Friedrichshafen

  • Destination is:
    a museum
    a nature experience
  • worth seeing place:

  • age of the children:
    0 to 1 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • Minimum age: no limit
  • Seasonal opening hours: -
  • Information on opening hours

  • Comparison price for adults: 4.5 Euro/day
  • Pricing: Adults (from 17 years) €5.00
    Children free
    Echt Bodensee Card €4.50
    Combined ticket Schauhaus / Zeppelin Museum €15.00

  • reachable with:

Location Destination

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    The operator of this Destination entry has not provided any directions.


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 47.666770
    • Longitude : 9.478870

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    Destination reviews 7

    4,7 / 5

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    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    closed all day closed all day closed all day closed all day closed all day closed all day closed all day

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