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  • validity period for the offer: - -
  • savings per redemption: max. 9 euro
  • maximum redemption per card per day: 1
  • Redeemable on the following weekdays:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday all...

Description family bonus card advantage

Visit Austria's oldest Danube power plant and experience electricity production up close. Among other things, you can marvel at the historic control room and the impressive machine hall. Interactive stations and bicycle simulators invite you to join in.

Afterwards, you can optionally visit the ship lock outdoors.

- 7 turbines - 200 kilometers of cable - 1.3 billion kilowatt hours
- Children under 6 years of age free entry
- Optional: tour of the mighty ship lock (duration 45 minutes, tickets sold on site)


Trip with children - Kraftwerk Ybbs-Persenbeug mit Schleuse & Schloss Persenbeug - Besucherkraftwerk Ybbs-Persenbeug Award Award Top Ausflugsziel 2024

Dieses Ausflugsziel für Familien gehört zu den besten Ausflugszielen 2024 laut dem Award.

Mehr zum Award - Top Ausflugsziele

Experience electricity production first hand!

Zeitraum: 01.04.2025 bis 31.10.2026

3370 Ybbs an der Donau, Lower Austria, Austria

Age of children:
6 to 10 years over 10 years Young people
6 to 10 years
over 10 years
Young people
Destination is:
a museum a place worth seeing
a museum
a place worth seeing
Details anzeigen

Properties family bonus card advantage Besucherkraftwerk Ybbs-Persenbeug: 1+1 Gratis Erlebnisführung Wasserkraftwerk

  • savings per redemption: max. 9 euro
  • Redeemable on the following weekdays:
  • maximum redemption per card*: 2
  • maximum redemption per card per day: 1
  • validity period for the offer: - -

Location family bonus card advantage

Route planner


    Coming from the A1:
    - motorway exit Ybbs
    - then take the 1st exit at the roundabout; at the next roundabout take the 2nd exit and drive along the B25 through the villages of Unteregging and Neusarling and then through the town of Ybbs
    - after a short time you will be driving right next to the Danube and can already see the Ybbs-Persenbeug Danube bridge; before you get to the Danube bridge, turn left onto the L91 towards Donaudorf and then immediately right again; here you will find the company building including a car park


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 48.188720
    • Longitude : 15.066580

    Route planner Contact

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    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    All information about family bonus card advantage Besucherkraftwerk Ybbs-Persenbeug: 1+1 Gratis Erlebnisführung Wasserkraftwerk is without guarantee

    Public questions and answers about 1+1 Gratis Erlebnisführung Wasserkraftwerk

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    I have read the data protection declaration .


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