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Excursion destinations
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  • topics in the region:
    Movement enjoyment Arts and Culture all...
    Arts and Culture
    Ride a bike
  • Landscape:
    Mountains hill Forests
  • easily accessible with:
    automobile Train Bicycle

Description holiday tip

Bad Hall is the ideal place to find peace, spend the day actively but enjoyable and enjoy cultural highlights. Our powerful iodine brine spring allows you to relieve stress and we invite you to get to know the health offers of the EurothermenResort in and around Bad Hall. After an active day, the Eurotherme Mediterrana offers wonderful views of the Alpine foothills while you relax in the pleasant thermal water. Explore the Bad Hall spa park with its shady paths and wonderful flowers and start hikes from here that will reward you with unique views.

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Properties holiday tip Bad Hall

  • Excursion destinations in the region:

    A trip tip for families in Bad Hall

    Zeitraum: 01.01.2025 bis 31.12.2025

    4540 Bad Hall, Upper Austria, Austria

    age of the children:
    1 to 2 years 2 to 4 years 4 to 6 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
    Destination is:
    a bath
    a bath
    Details anzeigen


    9 ref.

    A destination for families in Bad Hall

    Zeitraum: 01.01.2025 bis 31.12.2025

    4540 Bad Hall, Upper Austria, Austria

    age of the children:
    0 to 1 years 1 to 2 years 2 to 4 years
    0 to 1 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
    Destination is:
    a bath a place worth seeing
    a bath
    a place worth seeing
    Details anzeigen

    Your destination for excursions in Bad Hall

    Zeitraum: 01.01.2025 bis 31.12.2025

    4540 Bad Hall, Upper Austria, Austria

    age of the children:
    1 to 2 years 2 to 4 years 4 to 6 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
    Destination is:
    a nature experience a hike a way
    a nature experience
    a hike
    a way
    Details anzeigen

  • topics in the region:
    Arts and Culture
    Ride a bike

  • Landscape:
  • Altitude from: 380 Altitude

  • easily accessible with:
  • recurring events:

    • Bad Hall recurring events Spa concerts
      Spa concerts

      The Bad Hall spa orchestra enchants the spa park every Sunday! The concert takes place in the music pavilion with free admission and offers entertainment for the whole family!

    • Bad Hall recurring events Alpaca hikes
      Alpaca hikes

      A unique family experience: walk with the alpacas through the spa park in Bad Hall! Enjoy the peace and nature on this very special hike. Experience the best places in the spa park and get to know the animals better. The Alpakahof-Kremstal makes it possible!

      Maximum of 6 people. Dates all year round!
      Register by Friday 12:00 p.m. at the Bad Hall tourist office (Kurpromenade 1) or by phone at 07258/7200.

    • Bad Hall recurring events Riesi's Forest School
      Riesi's Forest School

      "Today we are guests in the forest" is the motto we invite you to experience the forest adventure with all your senses and learn more about the connections in our ecosystem in a playful way.

    • Bad Hall recurring events Adventure-pleasure hike "Weingut Rogl"
      Adventure-pleasure hike "Weingut Rogl"

      Enjoying wine - the first and only winemaker in Bad Hall makes it possible.
      An exciting tour of the vineyard and then a tasting of their own products included.

      This afternoon excursion takes you to the culinary surroundings of Bad Hall. The hike leads along a natural hiking trail to the first winemaker in Bad Hall. Once there, there is a tour of the vineyards and the business.

    • Bad Hall recurring events Adventure-pleasure hike "Sea buckthorn"
      Adventure-pleasure hike "Sea buckthorn"

      A true miracle plant! Versatile, full of valuable ingredients and yet so unknown.
      A guided hike on the trail of the sea buckthorn.
      Be picked up by the farmer himself in authentic work clothes and experience an exciting and informative afternoon together! The guided hike takes you to the Ranwallnerhof near Bad Hall. Once there, there is an expert tour of the only organic sea buckthorn farm in Upper Austria.

    • Bad Hall recurring events Adventure-pleasure hike "Kernhöfe"
      Adventure-pleasure hike "Kernhöfe"

      The hazelnut in Upper Austria! You will learn how it grows, what it tastes like and much more on this guided hike to one of the region's 5 core farms, including coffee and cake.

    • Adventure hike "Greifvogelhof Feyregg"

      At the Feyregg Bird of Prey Farm, a non-profit association of bird of prey enthusiasts, birds of prey are bred and trained, young falconers are trained and wild birds in distress are cared for.

      On a tour of the falconry, you will learn interesting facts about the kings of the skies and can experience all kinds of birds of prey up close, from kestrels to eagle owls, and marvel at them during training flights.

    • Bad Hall recurring events Experience "Forest bathing" in the Hallerwald
      Experience "Forest bathing" in the Hallerwald

      Experience the forest and its positive effect on our health! In the Hallerwald in Adlwang, 12 stations await you for rest, recharge and relaxation.

    • Bad Hall recurring events Bee Trail Experience
      Bee Trail Experience

      The Bad Hall-Pfarrkirchen beekeepers' association has created a themed trail at the lower end of the spa gardens. There you can learn everything about bees, hornets and ants.

    • Experience lavender blossom hike

      The afternoon excursion leads to a beautiful lavender field in Bad Hall. The hike starts at the tourist office, leads over the Agru-Ortmühl to the fields, where around 40 rows of lavender can be admired.
      Once there, there is a tasting of muffins with lavender flowers and a delicious lavender syrup.

    • Poppy blossom adventure hike

      The guided hike leads to the Ranwallnerhof. It is particularly beautiful at this time of year when the poppy fields all around are in bloom. It is worth having your camera ready to capture special moments amidst the floral splendor.


Location holiday tip

Route planner


    from Vienna: A1 to Haag, via Steyr to Bad Hall
    from Salzburg: A1 to Sattledt, via Rohr to Bad Hall
    from Liezen: A9 to Ried/Tr., via Kremsmünster and Rohr to Bad Hall
    Westbahn line: IC via Linz main station to Rohr/Bad Hall station
    Selzthal line: from Graz to Rohr/Bad Hall


    • not specified
    • Bad
    • Hall
    • Latitude : 48.033380
    • Longitude : 14.208520

    Route planner Contact

    Destination reviews 6


    Overall impression 4,8
    Excursion destinations 4,8
    Accommodation 4,7
    hospitality 4,7
    Landscape 5,0
    public transport 4,3
    Respect for nature 5,0

    suitable for

    Families with small children 4,3
    Families with children 4,3
    Families with teenagers 3,7
    Grandparents with grandchildren 4,8
    School groups 3,3
    Excursion groups 3,7

    suitable in

    Spring 5,0
    Summer 4,5
    Autumn 5,0
    winter 4,5
    carnival 5,0

    holiday tip Bad Hall rate now

    4,5 / 5

    790 reviews

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    1,7 / 5

    6 reviews

    via: Facebook

    Overall impression

    Klassisches Familienangebot

    Wir wohnen hier, sind aber von Bad Hall als Wohnort und Ausflusgsort begeistert.
    Es gibt mehrere (!) toll ausgestattete Spielplätze, einen Kurpark zum Rad- oder Rollerfahren, Kinderwagentauglich ist sowohl die Innenstadt mit Kaffees und einem Mini Spielplatz als auch der Kurpark selbst. Super Infrastruktur - Linz und Steyr sind auch mit Bus und Bahn einfach zu erreichen.
    Die Therme lädt auch mit einem Kleinkindbereich mit kleiner Rutsche, Wickelraum und knietiefem Wasser ein. Leider ist hier für Jugendliche oder größere Kinder nicht soviel geboten, da definitiv die Rutschen fehlen.
    Es gibt Rad, Lauf und Wanderwege rundum und in Bad Hall, sowie jede Menge Einkehrmöglichkeiten.
    Das Theater bietet regelmäßig Vorstellungen für Kinder.
    Bad Hall ist wunderbar geeignet für einen Wochenendeausflug um sich in der Natur zu erholen.

    Sandra R. visited Bad Hall in März 2024 .

    Overall impression

    Erholung & Musik

    Wunderschöner Park mit einzigartigem Baumbestand und vielen süßen Eichhörnchen! Besonders gefallen haben mir die musikalischen Veranstaltungen an den Wochenenden (tolle Bands am Samstagabend und Kurorchester am Sonntagnachmittag - kostenlos!!). Für einen Wochenendausflug sehr zu empfehlen!

    Daniela A. visited Bad Hall in Juli 2020 .

    Overall impression

    Geheimtipp Alpaka Wanderung

    Es war ein großartiges Erlebnis für uns, mitten im schattigen Kurpark von Bad Hall die Alpakawanderung im Tourismusbüro gebucht zu haben. Sowas hat unsere Familie noch nie erlebt.

    Sylvia T. visited Bad Hall in August 2020 .

    Overall impression

    Aktiv und natur pur

    Tolle Gegend. Sehr schöne Radwege und Wanderwege. Der Kurpark ist großartig, so ruhig und idyllisch. Die Therme gefällt mir wirklich, mit tollem Außenbereich, Whirlpools, Sauna usw.
    Und das Essen ist auch super, es gib so viele Möglichkeiten gut Essen zu gehen!

    Karoline O. visited Bad Hall in Juli 2020 .

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