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Description Destination

The picturesque Formarinsee shimmers emerald green beneath the mighty Rote Wand – a natural jewel of a special kind. And it’s not just the people of Klostertal and Vorarlberg who think so: In October 2015, the Formarinsee and the Rote Wand were voted the most beautiful places in Austria in the ORF television program “9 Places, 9 Treasures”.
The area around the Rote Wand and Lake Formarin was a tropical sea 145 million years ago. Numerous ammonites and other fossils in the rock layers are evidence of this. The Formarinsee itself is a natural lake that is formed every year from meltwater.
The Rote Wand owes its name to a red limestone band that stretches across the southern flank. With its 2,704 m, the Rote Wand is the second highest mountain in the Lechquellen Mountains.
The Formarinsee is always a great destination, whether for a circular hike around the lake, a challenging tour e.g. from Dalaas or for climbing on the Rote Wand or in the family climbing garden. And if you're lucky, you might even come across a few members of the ibex colony that has found its home here.
  • Age of children:
    4 to 6 years 6 to 10 years over 10 years all...
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • Destination is:
    a viewpoint a nature experience a hike
    a viewpoint
    a nature experience
    a hike
  • Main topic:
    adventure Movement Discover all...
  • Price level: for free
  • weather:
    Fair weather Cloudy
    Fair weather
  • stroller:
    half suitable
    half suitable
  • dogs:
  • all properties (55)

reviews 2

Traumhafte Lage
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Birgit P.

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Properties of this Destination entry

  • Destination is:
    a viewpoint
    a nature experience
    a hike
  • bath
  • amusement park
  • gastronomy
  • Cultural institution
  • worth seeing place
  • Sports facility
  • Event
  • Away

  • Age of children:
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • weather:
    Fair weather
  • even in bad weather
  • stroller:
    half suitable
  • dogs:
  • Minimum age: 4 Years
  • Seasonal opening hours: open all year
  • Information on opening hours: Depending on the weather, the trail is open from June to October.
  • Video about the destination

  • Price level: for free
  • Comparison price for 3-year-olds: for free
  • Comparison price for 8-year-olds: for free
  • Comparison price for adults: for free
  • Pricing: Access to Formarinsee is free.
    The Lech local bus (line 7) runs every hour from Lech to the lake.
    Fare and current information at www.lech-zuers.at/orts-wanderbusse
  • Discount code for online booking

  • Main topic:
  • Number of existing animal species: 9999999
  • Length of time:
    half day
  • Highlights at the destination:

    • Formarinsee und Rote Wand Highlights at the destination Impressive nature
      Impressive nature

      The Formarinsee lies idyllically beneath the mighty Rote Wand.

      Three paths - one goal
    • Formarinsee und Rote Wand Highlights at the destination Ibexes

      With a bit of luck you will come across ibexes.

      Ibex colony

  • Supply option: 200 meter
  • Daily opening hours supply / restaurant
  • public transportation: on site
  • reachable with
  • Number of parking spaces: no parking available

  • Environmental focus:
  • Introduction to the region
  • Shadow
  • outdoor
  • on-line

Destination card

Route planner


    By car from Germany: Take the A 96 to Bregenz, then the A14 to Bludenz, then the S16 to the Lech Zürs am Arlberg exit. Follow the B197 to Alpe Rauz, then turn left onto the B198. Through the Flexengalerie and over the Flexenpass you reach Lech Zürs am Arlberg.
    By car from Switzerland: Take the A13 and the border crossing at Feldkirch, Hohenems or Lustenau onto the A14 to Bludenz. Continue on the S16 until the Lech Zürs am Arlberg exit. Follow the B197 to Alpe Rauz, then turn left onto the B198. Through the Flexengalerie and over the Flexenpass you reach Lech Zürs am Arlberg.
    By public transport: Take the train to Langen am Arlberg or St. Anton am Arlberg station. From there, buses (No. 91 + 92) run regularly to Lech Zürs am Arlberg.
    From Lech Zürs am Arlberg continue by bus (No. 7) to Formarinsee (for timetable and season times see www.lech-zuers.at/orts-wanderbusse).
    On foot:
    from Dalaas: hiking trail via Mason, Mustrinalpe and Alpe Rauher Staffel to Formarinsee – walking time: approx. 3 hours
    from Lech: to Zug, through the Zugertal and further to the Formarinalpe – walking time: approx. 5 hours
    from Braz: hiking trail via Malarsch, Masonalpe and Gwurfjoch to Formarinsee – walking time: approx. 6 hours
    Großes Walsertal from Alpe Laguz (from Marul with hiking bus to Laguz) – walking time: 2.5 hours
    Großes Walsertal from Sonntag via Sonntag-Stein (cable car), Garmil and Laguzalpe – walking time: 6 hours
    By mountain bike:
    From Lech towards Zürs through the Zugertal. Past the Älpele and straight on to the Formarin Alpe and the Formarinsee. - Travel time approx. 3 hours there and back


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 47.169000
    • Longitude : 9.991030

    Route planner Contact

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    1 / 8

    Ausflugsziel: Der Formarinsee und die Rote Wand - Ein Ort zum Staunen und Genießen. - Formarinsee und Rote Wand

    2 / 8

    Ausflugsziel: Das Gebiet rund um Formarinsee und Rote Wand eignet sich perfekt für aussichtsreiche Wanderungen. - Formarinsee und Rote Wand

    3 / 8

    Ausflugsziel: Der Stebok-Wäg (Steinbock-Weg) führt von Dalaas über Mason zum Formarinsee - hier warten spannende Informationstafeln und Ruheplätze auf die Wanderer. - Formarinsee und Rote Wand

    4 / 8

    Ausflugsziel: Die Freiburger Hütte ist ein beliebtes Wanderziel im Gebiet rund um Formarinsee und Rote Wand - Formarinsee und Rote Wand

    5 / 8

    Ausflugsziel: Formarinsee und Rote Wand

    6 / 8

    Ausflugsziel: Formarinsee und Rote Wand

    7 / 8

    Ausflugsziel: Formarinsee und Rote Wand

    8 / 8

    Ausflugsziel: Formarinsee und Rote Wand

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    Overall impression 4,9
    Entertainment factor 4,0
    Learning factor 5,0
    Natural factor 5,0
    Movement factor 5,0
    Fun factor 4,0

    suitable for

    stroller 4,0
    Children from 0 to 1 years 3,0
    Children from 1 to 2 years 3,0
    Children from 3 to 4 years 5,0
    Children from 4 to 6 years 5,0
    Children from 6 to 10 years 5,0
    Children over 10 years 5,0
    Young people 5,0
    School groups 5,0

    suitable for

    sunshine 5,0
    Rain 1,0
    wind 3,0
    Snow 1,0
    heat 4,0
    cold 2,0
    changing weather 1,0
    Cloud cover 5,0

    Destination reviews 2

    4,8 / 5

    119 reviews

    via: Google

    Overall impression

    Traumhafte Lage

    Zeigt euren Kinder die Natur! Herrlich ist der See in die Felsen eingebettet. Die Rote Wand leuchtet. Man kann auch zum See - teils ist der Zugang flach. Ein gut gerichteter Weg ist vorhanden - man kann ohne Probleme bis zur Alphütte laufen. Auch radeln geht prima

    Birgit P. visited Formarinsee und Rote Wand in Juli 2021 .

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    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day

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