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Description Destination

The historic building complex of the Klaushäusl, directly on the B305 between Grassau and Rottau, now houses two museums in one, the Salt & Moor Museum: In the Salt Museum you can discover the technical history of the brine pipeline from Reichenhall to Rosenheim, which is considered one of the first pipelines in the world. The Moor Museum, on the other hand, offers fascinating insights into life in the raised moor and explains in a clear way connections that are normally hidden from the eye. There are also special exhibitions that change every year.
  • Age of children:
    6 to 10 years over 10 years Young people
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • Destination is:
    a museum a nature experience
    a museum
    a nature experience
  • Main topic:
    Discover Culture Learn all...
  • Price level: moderate
  • weather:
    Fair weather Rainy weather
    Fair weather
    Rainy weather
  • Children's birthday parties
  • stroller:
    half suitable
    half suitable
  • dogs:
  • all properties (55)

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Properties of this Destination entry

  • Destination is:
    a museum
    a nature experience
  • bath
  • amusement park
  • gastronomy:
    Children's Café
  • Cultural institution
  • worth seeing place
  • Sports facility
  • Event
  • Away:
    Adventure trail

  • Age of children:
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • weather:
    Fair weather
    Rainy weather
  • even in bad weather
  • stroller:
    half suitable
  • dogs:
  • Minimum age: 6 Years
  • Seasonal opening hours: -
  • Information on opening hours: As long as the weekly incidence is above 50, registration is necessary by telephone at +49 8641/5467.
  • Video about the destination

  • Price level: moderate
  • Comparison price for 3-year-olds: for free
  • Comparison price for 8-year-olds: 2 Euro/day
  • Comparison price for adults: 4 Euro/day
  • Pricing: Adults 4 euros
    Reduced admission 3 euros (people with disabilities, schoolchildren, students, senior citizens, guests with a spa card, Grassau residents and groups)
    Children 6-14 years 2 euros
    Family ticket 7 euros (2 adults - parents or grandparents - with any number of their own children or grandchildren)
  • Discount code for online booking

  • Main topic:
  • Number of existing animal species: no animals
  • Length of time:
    half day
  • Children's birthday parties
  • Highlights at the destination:

    • Museum Salz und Moor im Klaushäusl Highlights at the destination Reichenbach's water column machine
      Reichenbach's water column machine

      The heart of the former well house and today's brine pipeline museum is the water column machine that Georg von Reichenbach constructed for the second brine pipeline to Rosenheim (in operation since 1810). He modified the construction principle of the steam engine that had only been developed a few decades earlier and now used water pressure to drive a pump.

    • Museum Salz und Moor im Klaushäusl Highlights at the destination Model of a sundew that has just caught a dragonfly.
      Model of a sundew that has just caught a dragonfly.

      Did you know that carnivorous plants are found in the Chiemgau region? That only one millimeter of peat grows in a raised bog every year? And that raised bogs preserve (almost) everything that falls into them?

    • Museum Salz und Moor im Klaushäusl Highlights at the destination Special exhibition Nightlife - Spinners, Peeping Toms, Moths and Owls in Chiemgau
      Special exhibition Nightlife - Spinners, Peeping Toms, Moths and Owls in Chiemgau

      The theme of the special exhibition is the moths of southern Chiemgau.
      Everyone knows and admires the beauty of butterflies. But what do we know about moths?
      Because they live in secret, they escape our attention. In the special exhibition 2022 we will present the monitoring project by Stefan Kattari sen. before. He recorded the moths of southern Chiemgau in different habitats. You will be amazed at how many there are and how different they are.
      But the decline in species does not stop at moths either. What can we do to slow down the decline of butterflies, what measures are being taken in the district?
      The exhibition shows you the habitats in the Chiemgau, allows a close look through the binoculars and gives you an insight into the voluntary work of Stefan Kattari sen.
      We have again set up interactive stations for children.
      Every week Stefan Kattari sen. on our homepage a "moth of the week".

    • Museum Salz und Moor im Klaushäusl Highlights at the destination Site map Klaushäusl
      Site map Klaushäusl

  • snack
  • Supply option: on site
  • Daily opening hours supply / restaurant:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    closed all day
  • WC
  • public transportation: on site
  • reachable with
  • Parking
  • Number of parking spaces: 26

  • Environmental focus:
  • Introduction to the region
  • Shadow
  • indoor
  • outdoor
  • on-line

Destination card

Route planner


    How to reach us
    … by car
    Coming from Munich, we recommend taking the motorway exit 106 in Bernau and continuing on the B305 towards Reit im Winkl. After about 6 kilometers, the Klaushäusl is clearly visible on the right side of the mountain slope. From Salzburg, the shortest route is via motorway exit 109 in Grabenstätt. First, follow the St2096 towards Reit im Winkl and then follow the B305 from the Grassau town sign towards Bernau. The Klaushäusl is located about one kilometer after the end of the village of Grassau on the left side of the mountain. Parking spaces are available, six of which are reserved for museum visitors only.
    ... with public transport
    From Prien train station with hourly train connections to Munich, Rosenheim, Traunstein and Salzburg there is a connection via bus line 9505 in the direction of Reit im Winkl. The stop "Klaushäusl Museum Salz & Moor" is located directly next to the museum and is also served by the Chiemseering line in the summer months.
    ... by bicycle
    The Salinen cycle path leads past the house.
    ...on foot
    From Grassau and Rottau, tranquil hiking trails lead along the edge of the moor to the Salt & Moor Museum. From Rottau you should allow about half an hour, from Grassau three quarters of an hour. If you want to get there a little quicker, there is also a footpath and cycle path along the busy federal highway 305 that leads to the museum. Alternatively, you can reach our museum on the SalzAlpenSteig, which leads from Grassau along the panoramic path, from Rottau via Grießenbach and the waterfall in the mountain forest.


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 47.785080
    • Longitude : 12.426900

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    1 / 6

    Ausflugsziel: Das Museum Salz & Moor ist untergebracht im historischen Gebäudeensemble des Klaushäusls, das aus insgesamt sieben Häusern besteht. - Museum Salz und Moor im Klaushäusl

    2 / 6

    Ausflugsziel: Nicht weit entfernt vom Museum Salz und Moor führt der Moorerlebnisweg mit Stationen für Kinder und Familien ins Naturschutzgebiet Kendlmühlfilzen.  - Museum Salz und Moor im Klaushäusl

    3 / 6

    Ausflugsziel: Beim Museum startet ein halbstündiger Wanderweg durch den Wald zum Grießenbach und dem Rottauer Wasserfall. - Museum Salz und Moor im Klaushäusl

    4 / 6

    Ausflugsziel: Museum Salz und Moor im Klaushäusl

    5 / 6

    Ausflugsziel: Museum Salz und Moor im Klaushäusl

    6 / 6

    Ausflugsziel: Museum Salz und Moor im Klaushäusl

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    Overall impression 4,5

    Destination reviews 1

    4,5 / 5

    256 reviews

    via: Google

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    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    closed all day

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    All information about Destination Museum Salz und Moor im Klaushäusl is without guarantee

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