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A scooter - fun for the little ones

A scooter - fun for the little ones  - familienausflug.info

First in a sling, then in a stroller, and finally a handcart. We already had a number of means of transport with us on our family outings . Now we had to search for a long time to find a suitable vehicle for our - now somewhat older - children that could easily be taken on an outing. Finally, we found what we were looking for and are now introducing our newest favorite toy with wheels: the scooter.

At what age can children use scooters?

Many children can already handle a three-wheeled scooter from the age of two. These can often be equipped with a handlebar for parents. A normal two-wheeled scooter can be used from around the age of three to four, depending on how well developed and how confident the child is on their feet. Our experience shows that it should work well from the age of 3.5.

What should you keep in mind when you first try out a scooter?

It is important to choose a safe area for the first attempts, ideally asphalted or concrete areas away from roads and traffic. Even if children are not usually moving at high speeds at the beginning, protective equipment such as a helmet should still be used to protect the child's head in the event of a fall. If necessary, the child should be supported during the first attempts to get a feel for balance. As with any other method, it is helpful to show the child how to use the scooter.

The scooter to promote the child's skills

The scooter is a great preparation for later riding a bike. It also trains the child's motor skills and balance. Riding a scooter therefore has a number of advantages:

  • The child develops a sense of speed.
  • It learns to avoid falls.
  • The sense of balance is trained.
  • While riding, the child’s muscles are also trained.
  • An initial awareness of road safety is created.
  • Perception and awareness of rules and boundaries are trained.

Mobility on two wheels - for children and adults

The scooter is also a practical means of transport for adults that is a lot of fun and is very compact and handy compared to a bicycle. The scooter can be used, for example, to whizz to school with the kids, to liven up a walk or - as already mentioned - to go on an excursion.

What should interested parties consider when purchasing?

When buying scooters for children, such as those available in the micro online shop , there are a few things to consider. It is important that the scooter fits the child's size and weight so that it can be used optimally. Of course, the quality and existing equipment of the scooter also play a major role in the purchase in order to ensure the necessary safety and comfort while riding. An often practical function with children's scooters: the scooter "grows with the child", i.e. the size can be adjusted so that the vehicle can be continuously adapted to the changing body size of the child. Functions such as the brakes should be child's play to use and with scooters for the very young, an additional handlebar for adults can be useful.

A scooter to entertain and encourage children

Scooters are a popular means of transport not only for adults but also for children. Even if the reasons may be different, riding a scooter is incredibly fun. At the same time, a wide range of child skills are trained - such as motor skills, sense of balance, a sense of speed and traffic, and muscles. But mobility is also increased at a young age. For example, parents and children can comfortably ride the scooter together to school or to the nearest playground. Or instead of the next walk, which is usually boring for children, they can take a ride on the scooter.

Editor familienausflug.info Roland Bamberger

Editor: Roland Bamberger

Managing Director

Roland is the founder of familienausflug.info. Roland has visited hundreds of destinations with his family and is an expert when it comes to finding new offers for families.

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