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Description Destination

When the Museum Tegernseer Tal opens on Saturday
after the corona-extended winter break
opens again, then it shines – in the truest
Sense of the word – in a new light. The sponsoring association
has used the time to upgrade the lighting system
to bring it up to date with the latest technology.
As soon as you enter the first exhibition hall
It cannot be overlooked: Something has happened here:
At first one might even think of an increase
believe the ceiling height, so light and bright comes straight
the gallery in the stairwell, which until now had a rather squat
made a good impression, therefore.
Generous width, selective highlights and even
deep perspectives characterize the exhibition rooms in the Mu-
seum Tegernseer Tal now on all three floors.
"In total we have 125 meters of light rails,
50 meters of showcase lighting, 17 spotlights, 37 lenses--
wallwashers, 66 floodlights and four contour spotlights for the
particularly striking portraits,” reports
the chairwoman of the museum association, Birgit Halmbacher.
She had replaced the lighting system in the
Ground floor initiated, corresponding federal funding
and in cooperation with the State Office
Non-state museums have been approved.
A Munich-based company specializing in museum technology took
tackle the lighting planning. The plan was to
ground floor and then through the
obvious “before and after effect” donations to
Continuation of modernization on the upper floors
to generate. “But the exhibition broke up for us
basically into two parts,” reports Halmbacher. “The objects,
which were illuminated by modern lighting technology,
experienced such an increase in value that the other
Objects suddenly looked as if they were worth less.
We couldn’t possibly leave it like that.” The Hubertus
Altgelt Foundation, which has supported the museum since its construction,
the audio guides and youth development,
jumped in to help the facility, so that the upper
both floors were put in the right light.
The members then began to
To clear out display cases. The technical museum director
Jürgen Köstler and master electrician Franz Halmbacher
have each completed around 150 hours of voluntary work
with the dismantling of the old and assembly of the new
Light rails, spotlights and lamps. The
Installation was carried out by a local electrical company.
Only the historic roof trusses now light up the
Light from 27 headlights. “We now have 150 percent
more illuminance with UV-free, the exhibits
gentle light. Everything is dimmable. Everywhere you can
accents are set,” says the club’s chairwoman
Historian Roland Götz has not missed the opportunity
also the object descriptions on the new
the latest state of research. Walls were
repaired and repainted and everything in top condition
Church painter Barbara Bammer has, in the course of the general
mean big cleaning campaign of the members even many
Paintings professionally cleaned and freed of their patina.
So now many details and subtleties of the
Art once again comes into its own: for example, the brilliantly painted,
black in black folds in the portrait of Abbot Gre-
gor Playchshirn. The fine work of the bookbinders
or the jewellers (for example at the Bayerischeb-
Royal crown) appear again. And the famous painting
by Lorenzo Quaglio, “King Max with his daughters visiting
at Pflieglhof”, thanks to the contour spotlight, now
the impression as if it were a window that offers a clear view
gives back to the good old days in the Tegernsee Valley.
The museum is unanimous: “Our museum is actually
like new, and now it is time to discover it completely anew.”
Even though the new special exhibition “Literature at Tegernsee”
only starts late!

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Properties Destination Museum Tegernseer Tal

  • The conclusion is:
    a museum

  • The child goes to school:
    0 to 1 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • atmospheric hour:
    Fair weather
  • Minimum age: no limit
  • Seasonal opening hours: open all year
  • Information on opening hours: until October 2020 the following opening hours:
    Friday: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
    Saturday: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
    Sunday: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

  • Pricing

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    • not specified
    • Latitude : 47.708740
    • Longitude : 11.756740

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