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Description Destination

The history of the blacksmith's house goes back to the year 1464, when the local noble family of Watzmannsdorf founded a benefice, i.e. a permanent position for a clergyman, at this location. Since 1601, this property has been owned by the parish benefice, and from 1613 onwards, a grocery store was also housed in this house. In the following years, the property changed owners several times until 1803, when the journeyman blacksmith Friedrich Höber married into the property and became self-employed as a blacksmith. Josef Höber took over the forge after his father’s death. At that time, the house also included a small farm as well as a draw well and an oven. In 1950, the old house was demolished and the current building was constructed.
Kellberg has its own museum. It may be small, but it is full of silent witnesses to the once flourishing craft of blacksmithing. What makes the forge special is that a complete workshop inventory of 717 parts (excluding small parts) can be displayed at its original location.
The work of the blacksmith has always fascinated. The oldest German legend made Wieland, the blacksmith, a hero. The blacksmith was the epitome of a German master craftsman and is thus the predecessor profession of the locksmith and car mechanic. Another special feature is that the blacksmith was able to make his tools himself. In this “Small Museum” the theme of “blacksmiths” was expanded to include the theme of “iron and Kellberg”.
This enabled the following areas to be addressed:
Chronicle of the blacksmith museum, the blacksmith family Höber, the Eggersdorf blacksmiths and others, blacksmith equipment and tools, the process of blacksmithing, Kellberg and its iron source, Kellberg and the iron lord St. Leonhard
The last three topics make it possible to observe the things discussed on site in nature, at Arzberg, at Erlau, in Kellberg or Thyrnau.
It is impressive to see the various tools and equipment that the blacksmith needed to practice his profession. In addition to the usual equipment of a blacksmith's shop, such as an anvil, pliers and hammers in different sizes and strengths, the forge fire, granite, vices, heavy iron chains and wagon wheels, the museum offers unusual exhibits: e.g. a carbide welding machine, a hand-operated drill for drilling holes in horseshoes, a drill with a flywheel and a bending machine for wagon tires. The walls are decorated with a family tree of the Höber family as well as old photos of the forge and its former operators. Further display boards introduce the types of horseshoes, shoeing horses and blacksmith tools, as well as describe the anvil, the different types of wheels and the parts of the wagon wheel.

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Properties Destination Kleines Kellberger Schmiedemuseum

  • Age of children:
    0 to 1 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • weather:
    Fair weather
  • Minimum age: no limit
  • Seasonal opening hours: open all year
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  • Price level: for free
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  • Main topic:
  • Length of time:
    under an hour

  • public transportation: on site
  • Parking
  • Number of parking spaces: 9999999

  • Environmental focus:
  • Shadow:
    completely shaded

Location Destination

Route planner


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    • Kellberg
    • Latitude : 48.593850
    • Longitude : 13.550650

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    4,5 / 5

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    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays

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