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The fire brigade visit - experience and learning for young and old

The fire brigade visit - experience and learning for young and old - familienausflug.info
@berg_photo / https://unsplash.com/photos/vuCQ17yWwas

There was just a report about the fire department in Leverkusen , which is currently delighting the children of the Landrat-Lucas-Gymnasium with visits. Visits to the fire department, or the fire department as a guest in schools, are already a great event in themselves. In this case, however, the fire department employees did a special job. In addition to the usual information, they also took part in making learning German more enjoyable for refugee children with their presence.

Visits of this kind are not local events. There are fire stations in every town or its immediate vicinity that offer these events. This is about what they can offer children and adults on an outing.

Fire brigade visits as a leisure event

The show businesses and museums on our site offer many exciting opportunities to explore topics and professions. A visit to the fire department is also one of them. In this case, however, we find the offer in every city, because events of this kind are a tradition at most fire stations .

There are usually fixed dates throughout the year for this, which include a fire brigade festival at the station, or visits by firemen and their cars to schools and kindergartens. Anyone interested in the experience can also inquire individually at the local fire station and perhaps organize a visit themselves.

Fascination of fire service

Almost all boys and girls are born with a fascination for the police and fire service. The most popular toys for little ones are bright red fire engines - the more realistic, the better. So it's no wonder that children are quickly enthusiastic about getting to know the day-to-day working life and equipment of the fire service with their own eyes.

What do we learn from fire department visits?

A visit to the fire department is usually a mixture of entertainment and imparting important knowledge . Children learn how to read fire safety signs , how to make an emergency call and what questions we have to answer. Dealing with fire and attempts to extinguish it are also important topics.

  • Children learn important information , for example that in the event of a fire you should not hide but make yourself known, and how not to put yourself in danger in the event of a fire, even if you want to help.
  • This transfer of knowledge is accompanied by exciting experiences . Children can try on the fire brigade's equipment themselves, climb into the vehicle and maybe even operate its functions such as the siren. Not only do they experience adventures, but they are also encouraged to ask interesting questions that are on their minds.
  • The highlight of these visits is usually the use of the fire hose . Under the guidance and support of the firemen and women, the little ones can try out hoses and fire extinguishers. In some cases, the experts turn this into competitions to get the visitors even more excited.
  • Last but not least, the fire brigade festivals and visits often offer good food , with cold drinks and freshly grilled meat, because these events work best in sunny and warm weather.

Further enthusiasm

Depending on the age of the visitors, children, young people and adults can also find out about the local volunteer fire brigade and youth fire brigade . Participation in these groups can be a great enrichment for children. As a member of the youth fire brigade, you have many exciting tasks and learn valuable knowledge, for example:

  • Fire service training - Of course, a large part of the training is dealing with fire service equipment and theoretical and practical knowledge of fire protection, but also equipment such as radio technology, compass and map and first aid.
  • Group lessons, camping trips and hikes - The group lessons and other leisure activities are an enrichment for the children and young people. There is sport, fun and many interesting activities, such as handicrafts.

  • Personal responsibility & cooperation - The knowledge and new skills help to build cooperation, but also self-confidence. The group structure also includes youth spokespersons and various functions that teach responsibility.
  • Friendship & team spirit - In addition to knowledge, the children spend a lot of time with like-minded and same-age group members.
  • Environmental protection activities - The youth fire brigade often takes part in social and environmental protection activities, such as collecting garbage or planting trees. This way they learn even more (social) responsibility and awareness of important issues.
  • Competitions & international encounters - There are regular competitions and exchanges with international youth groups. These include, for example, competitions with fire-fighting tasks.

Conclusion – excitement, fun and knowledge at the fire brigade

A visit to the fire department or a fire department museum is an exciting event that most children are naturally interested in. They can see with their own hands and eyes how the fire department works and what their job and equipment entails. The knowledge about fire protection imparted there is also a valuable element in teaching children how to safely handle fire and emergency situations. We find events of this kind at every fire department, which either organizes its own events or regularly visits schools and kindergartens.

Editor familienausflug.info Roland Bamberger

Editor: Roland Bamberger

Managing Director

Roland is the founder of familienausflug.info. Roland has visited hundreds of destinations with his family and is an expert when it comes to finding new offers for families.

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