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  • age of the children:
    1 to 2 years 2 to 4 years 4 to 6 years all...
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • Destination is:
    a viewpoint a nature experience a hike
    a viewpoint
    a nature experience
    a hike
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  • restaurant
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    weather: not specified
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Description Destination

Friedenskircherl - Horstigweg
20 - 30 minutes. From the parking lot to the START, then turn right and climb slightly up to the Rosegger monument. From here, continue straight on along the well-secured path for about 10 minutes to the Friedenskircherl, with a fantastic panoramic view of the Ennstal. Variant only for experienced mountain hikers: From the Friedenskircherl, follow the red markings on the Florasteig, up to the Stoderzinken summit (about 30 minutes).

The Friedenskircherl (also called Stoderkircherl) is one of the highlights on the Stoderzinken. The church is easily accessible from the parking lot and is ideal for a short walk on the Stoderzinken.

The Friedenskircherl was built in 1902 by the developer of the mountain, Baron Ritter Emil von Horstig, and is now owned by the Gröbming mountain rescue service, which is therefore also responsible for maintaining the church.

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Properties Destination Friedenskircherl am Stoderzinken.

  • Destination is:
    a viewpoint
    a nature experience
    a hike

  • age of the children:
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • dogs:
  • Minimum age: 1 Years
  • Seasonal opening hours: open all year
  • Information on opening hours

  • Pricing

  • main topic:

  • restaurant

Location Destination

Route planner


    The operator of this Destination entry has not provided any directions.


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 47.444480
    • Longitude : 13.901870

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