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  • age of the children:
    2 to 4 years 4 to 6 years 6 to 10 years all...
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • Destination is:
    a hike
    a hike
  • main topic:
  • restaurant
  • price level: for free
  • weather:
    Fair weather Cloudy
    Fair weather
  • stroller
    stroller: not specified
  • dogs:


Description Destination

Hikers are led around the center of St. Stefan on a wonderful forest and meadow path.
The easiest route to Wendenstein starts from the car park of the Mayr guesthouse and leads along several
power places. Information boards provide information about their special features and the legends that have been passed down about them.
Length: 3 km, walking time: 1 hour
Starting point: Mayrwirt car park
Path markings: on trees and stones along the path
Stefanstritt - according to legend, the starting point of the settlement of St. Stefan.
Devil's seat on the power path - the devil is said to have been waiting "forever" for the carter, who is said to have enlisted his help there.
Giant stone - underneath sleeps a giant who caused mischief in St. Stefan and the surrounding area a long time ago.
Wendenstein - according to tradition, the most important power place far and wide. Once you reach the top, you can enjoy one of the
most beautiful views in the Bohemian Forest.

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Properties Destination Kraftplatz "Wendenstein"

  • Destination is:
    a hike

  • age of the children:
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • weather:
    Fair weather
  • dogs:
  • Minimum age: 2 Years
  • Seasonal opening hours: open all year
  • Information on opening hours

  • price level: for free
  • Pricing

  • main topic:
  • Length of time:
    several days

  • restaurant

Location Destination

Route planner


    The operator of this Destination entry has not provided any directions.


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 48.567940
    • Longitude : 14.102680

    Route planner Contact

    Destination reviews 3


    Overall impression 5,0
    Entertainment factor 4,5
    Learning factor 3,0
    Natural factor 5,0
    Movement factor 5,0
    Fun factor 4,0

    suitable for

    Children from 0 to 1 years 1,0
    Children from 1 to 2 years 1,0
    Children from 3 to 4 years 3,5
    Children from 4 to 6 years 4,0
    Children from 6 to 10 years 5,0
    Children over 10 years 5,0
    Young people 5,0
    School groups 5,0

    suitable for

    sunshine 5,0
    Rain 1,0
    wind 3,5
    Snow 1,0
    heat 5,0
    cold 5,0
    changing weather 2,0
    Cloud cover 5,0

    excursion destination Kraftplatz "Wendenstein" rate now

    Overall impression

    Anneliese L. visited Kraftplatz "Wendenstein" in Mai 2021 .

    Overall impression

    Geheimtipp Wendensteinweg rund um St. Stefan

    Startpunkt: Parkplatz beim (ehm. GH Mayr) mit tollem Spielplatz der von der gemütlichen sonnigen Terrasse eingesehen werden kann!
    ... zahlreiche Ziegen tummeln sich auf der "Goaßwoad" neben dem Spielplatz.
    ... tief versteckt im grünen St. Stefan am Walde gibt es neben dem Wendenstein auch andere wunderschöne, mythische Kraftplätze zu entdecken: Stefanstritt, Drudenstein, Riesenstein, jeweils mit einer Sage auf einer eigenen Tafel vermerkt. Den Spuren zufolge wird der Wendenstein Wanderwege eher selten begangen und ist dafür aber umso schöner!!!
    ... unseren drei Kids 6, 7 und 10 Jahre hat es jedenfalls sehr gefallen.

    Leopoldine M. visited Kraftplatz "Wendenstein" in Mai 2021 .

    Overall impression

    Claudia H. visited Kraftplatz "Wendenstein" in April 2021 .

    Non-binding inquiry to Kraftplatz "Wendenstein"

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    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day

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