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  • age of the children:
    6 to 10 years over 10 years Young people
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Description Destination

Pirates have kidnapped you from your idyllic holiday resort in the Caribbean during the night and you wake up dazed in an old shabby hut that serves as a pirate hideout. You investigate the hut and realize that you can only escape if you solve a series of puzzles. Through a small barred window you can watch the blood-red sunset over a cliff and you realize that the pirates will come back at nightfall and do indescribable things to you.
Fight your way out of the hut and escape before night falls and the pirates return. Hurry up, the sun is already very low.
What is a live room escape game?
A live room escape game or escape room game is an escape game in which teams of about 2-6 people are locked in a mysterious room. The participants have to solve riddles and puzzles, find hidden objects and keys and crack various codes to escape from the room.
An exciting race against time, with the goal of leaving the room within 60 minutes. Physical strength is not required, only creativity, logical thinking, team spirit and skill are required.

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Properties Destination Pirates Bay - braination Live Escape Game Graz

  • age of the children:
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • Minimum age: 8 Years
  • Seasonal opening hours: open all year
  • Information on opening hours
  • Pre-registration required

  • Comparison price for adults: 19 Euro/day
  • Pricing: 2 players: € 35.00 per person
    3 players: € 28.00 per person
    4 players: € 23.00 per person
    5 players: € 21.00 per person
    6 players: € 19.00 per person

  • public transportation: 0.02 km away
  • reachable with:
  • parking options
  • Number of parking spaces: 1000

Location Destination

Route planner


    The operator of this Destination entry has not provided any directions.


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 47.033934
    • Longitude : 15.417200

    Route planner

    Destination reviews 1814

    4,9 / 5

    1814 reviews

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    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays

    Popular Ausflugsziele


    Premium Ausflugsziele with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.

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    All information about Destination Pirates Bay - braination Live Escape Game Graz is without guarantee

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