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  • age of the children:
    0 to 1 years 1 to 2 years 2 to 4 years all...
    0 to 1 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • Destination is:
    a museum
    a museum
  • main topic:
    Discover Culture Learn
  • price level: cheap
  • weather:
    Fair weather Rainy weather wind all...
    Fair weather
    Rainy weather
  • stroller:
    mostly suitable
    mostly suitable
  • dogs:


Description Destination

In the large outdoor area with the farms and craft workshops there is a lot for families with children to explore; here the stories of grandma and grandpa appear in a new light. The old farmhouses lack electricity, running water and heating, not to mention televisions and computers. Instead, the floorboards creak underfoot, the smell of the sooty smoke kitchens rises into the nose, the water in the well outside the house splashes, the carriages, tools and equipment inspire questions and the clattering mill becomes an experience.
The farm animals, from chickens, sheep and pigs to donkeys, are very attractive. At the museum pond we encounter frogs, fish and wild ducks. The historic bowling alley and other game stations spread across the grounds, such as temple hopping, ring toss, hobby horses and building blocks, invite you to play and have fun. There is a puzzle course in the bee house and the children receive a small reward for the correct answer.

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Properties Destination Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Volkskunde

  • Destination is:
    a museum

  • age of the children:
    0 to 1 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • weather:
    Fair weather
    Rainy weather
  • stroller:
    mostly suitable
  • dogs:
  • Minimum age: no limit
  • Seasonal opening hours: -
  • Information on opening hours: open from April 15th to October 31st

    Tuesday to Saturday: from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    Sundays and public holidays: from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

    Last entry 1 hour before closing

  • price level: cheap
  • Comparison price for 3-year-olds: for free
  • Comparison price for 8-year-olds: 1 Euro/day
  • Comparison price for adults: 7 Euro/day
  • Pricing: Families with children under 16 years receive a family ticket for €14.00.

  • main topic:

  • Supply option: 150 meter
  • WC
  • changing table
  • public transportation: 0.05 km away
  • Number of parking spaces: 9999999

  • indoor
  • outdoor

Location Destination

Route planner


    The operator of this Destination entry has not provided any directions.


    • Dietenheim
    • Latitude : 46.803050
    • Longitude : 11.954170

    Route planner Contact

    Destination reviews 1169


    Overall impression 4,8
    Entertainment factor 3,0
    Learning factor 4,0
    Natural factor 4,0
    Movement factor 4,0
    Fun factor 3,0

    suitable for

    stroller 4,0
    Children from 0 to 1 years 2,0
    Children from 1 to 2 years 2,0
    Children from 3 to 4 years 4,0
    Children from 4 to 6 years 4,0
    Children from 6 to 10 years 4,0
    Children over 10 years 4,0
    Young people 3,0
    School groups 5,0

    suitable for

    sunshine 4,0
    Rain 3,0
    wind 4,0
    Snow 3,0
    heat 3,0
    cold 3,0
    changing weather 4,0
    Cloud cover 4,0

    excursion destination Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Volkskunde rate now

    5,0 / 5

    17 reviews

    via: Facebook

    4,8 / 5

    1151 reviews

    via: Google

    Overall impression


    Interessant und sehr lehrreich für Groß und Klein.

    Evelyn C. visited Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Volkskunde in April 2017 .

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    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    closed all day

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    All information about Destination Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Volkskunde is without guarantee

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