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  • age of the children:
    0 to 1 years 1 to 2 years 2 to 4 years all...
    0 to 1 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • Destination is:
    a hike a way
    a hike
    a way
  • main topic:
    Movement Hike
  • price level
  • weather:
    Fair weather Changeable Cloudy
    Fair weather
  • stroller:
    fully suitable
    fully suitable
  • dogs
    dogs: not specified


Description Destination

The start of the Two Cities Circular Trail is at Silent Night Square in Oberndorf near Salzburg. The path runs on the Oberndorf side along the Salzach to the Nepomuk monument (entrance to the Calvary Chapel). The route continues over the Europasteg to Laufen (Germany), where several stops await you in the former shipping town.
The route goes back over the border bridge, one of the most beautiful bridges in Europe, to the Austrian side to Oberndorf.
Through the city park to St. Nicholas Church, from there to the shipwright's monument on the Salzach and further along the Salzach dam to the Silent Night Chapel. The circular route ends here.
For experienced walkers, there is also a "large variant" available. This leads from the Nepomuk monument over 140 steps to the Calvary Chapel - further to the baroque pilgrimage church of Maria Bühel - back over the Altach, past the Schifferkapelle and the Schopperstadl and further over the footbridge to Laufen.
21 display boards - richly illustrated and informative - bring the visitors the
two historic cities that were once united.
Parking: in Schöffleutengasse next to the Silent Night Museum (free of charge)
Route info: approx. 2 km, walking time approx. 45 - 60 minutes, suitable for strollers
All information can be found at:

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Properties Destination Zwei-Städte-Rundweg in Oberndorf bei Sbg.

  • Destination is:
    a hike
    a way
  • Away:
    Adventure trail

  • age of the children:
    0 to 1 years
    1 to 2 years
    2 to 4 years
    4 to 6 years
    6 to 10 years
    over 10 years
    Young people
  • weather:
    Fair weather
  • stroller:
    fully suitable
  • Minimum age: no limit
  • Seasonal opening hours: open all year
  • Information on opening hours

  • Pricing

  • main topic:
  • Length of time:
    under an hour

  • reachable with:
  • parking options

Location Destination

Route planner


    Parking: in Schöffleutengasse next to the Silent Night Museum (free of charge)


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 47.945340
    • Longitude : 12.935540

    Route planner Contact

    Destination reviews 6

    5,0 / 5

    6 reviews

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    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day

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