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Travelling with children: How to prepare yourself

Travelling with children: How to prepare yourself - familienausflug.info

If you are planning not just short trips but trips with children, you need to be much more structured. Parents want to be prepared for all eventualities. But how much planning is necessary and when do you overwhelm yourself and the little ones? In this article, we will discuss the options for preparing perfectly and what you absolutely need to have with you as a minimum.

Patience and breaks

Before we really get started, we would like to remind you of one thing: children function differently than adults. A whole day full of action and excitement is great at first and will provoke happy reactions. But in the evening it becomes clear whether and how much you have overtaxed the little ones. Difficulty falling asleep, a bad mood, a lack of appetite or endless overexcited "whirlwinds" can quickly dampen motivation. That's why, despite all the perfection, it's important to leave time in which nothing is planned, in which you can relax and regenerate together.

Unlike adults, children do not yet know their own energy reserves and do not manage their energy like we do. Part of raising children is teaching them ways to relax and regulate themselves. Generous freedom and patience are therefore extremely important!

One way to clear your head can be to visit a normal playground : This is basically a familiar environment, the rules are relatively clear and the children can decide for themselves what they want to do and play. Anyone who wants to dig meditatively in the sand or swing back and forth on the swing for a long time should be allowed to do so. But intensive role-playing, involving parents or retelling and integrating what has been experienced so far are also possible.

Last but not least: Don't put yourself under pressure. A nice trip or vacation is not a success if you just follow the plan step by step. Instead, families with children should always focus on balance: everyone has the right to feel comfortable. This also applies to defending parental relaxation time against children who love to play.

Maintain rituals

Even if a trip brings a lot of new things, it is important to stick to certain rules and rituals . Children can cling to familiar things when they are overwhelmed by new impressions and stress. This means something different for every family. But there can be no doubt that the favorite stuffed animal that accompanies you at bedtime at home will also come along on vacation. Some of these routines have become so second nature to us that it can be difficult to identify them straight away. Just observe your everyday life together: which habits do you not want to do without, which things can stay at home? Depending on how old your children are, you can of course involve them and negotiate which companions are indispensable and what can be done differently on vacation.

Mobility question: How do I get to the excursion destination or travel destination?

Each way of approaching the destination has its own advantages and disadvantages. The CO2 emissions of a mode of transport are just as important as comfort, privacy and stress levels. For the first trips with children, you don't have to fly endlessly far south or even abroad. Instead, trips by bike and bike seat or, for longer trips, child trailers offer opportunities to travel independently and experience new things.

You don't always have to take your car with you on a trip. Minimalistic travel by train is more environmentally friendly and offers the advantage that you can get a little exercise in between. The options for keeping children busy are also more varied and comfortable.

Of course, you can't deny the comfort that comes with your own car: from start to finish without long walks or changing trains, there's no way to beat the convenience. But experience shows that longer journeys are exhausting for children and can also lead to problems such as motion sickness. Be sure to plan the opportunity to take breaks. If you research interesting waypoints , the journey itself can also become an experience.

Air travel with children is, however, difficult to manage over a certain distance, but can be very stressful for everyone involved. Good planning to keep children occupied, calmed and distracted is particularly important here. Other passengers are often very disturbed by whining babies or overexcited toddlers. Some parents in the USA have come up with an ingenious solution to encourage understanding: they place bags of candy and other sweets around their seats. Glued inside: a note asking for patience with the little fellow citizen. Nevertheless , air travel is extremely stressful for small children - so it should not be chosen lightly; there are often closer and less stressful options.

travel pharmacy

How to react in case of illness?

Anyone can get sick sometimes, but it's particularly unpleasant on vacation or on a trip. The family was looking forward to a nice time together and now everyone feels like they're suffering from someone else's problem. Some things can't be planned and if a child becomes seriously ill , canceling the vacation or trip is always an option! Nobody gains anything by forcing themselves to stick to a previously agreed plan. Worse still: the additional stress of an unfamiliar environment can delay recovery. So make sure you have "escape options" in the event of illness. Travel cancellation insurance is particularly useful with children so that you can cancel with a clear conscience. This also applies if the parents become ill before the trip starts.

Basic travel first aid kit

The first aid kit is more intended to treat minor ailments that do not require a major change of plan. Familiarize yourself with the medication and its use beforehand so that you can act quickly and safely if in doubt. If possible, you should only choose medication that has already proven itself and for which, for example, tolerability is guaranteed.

So what basic equipment is needed? For treating small injuries, splinters, etc., we recommend tweezers, scissors, plasters/adhesive bandages and sterile wound compresses as well as gauze bandages. Wound and burn ointment and spray or ointment for treating mosquito bites are also a must. Just as important: disinfectant . A thermometer is also important: children in particular are less able to perceive an increased body temperature caused by stress and excitement in the hustle and bustle of vacation, so it is a good idea to check. Since ticks occur in almost every region of the world, tick tweezers are also helpful for removing the dangerous beasts. Last but not least: tablets for fever and pain as well as anti-diarrheal medication and help with nausea . However, all of this only includes the basic program!

Equipment for children

Children often need different medication than adults. The form of administration (drops or juice, suppositories) and, above all, the dosage differ considerably from what we parents need. In addition to child-friendly versions of the aids listed above, you should have with you: decongestant nasal drops (can also help with pressure equalization during air travel), cough suppressants, medicines for gastrointestinal complaints (nausea, diarrhea, flatulence) , remedies for motion sickness (very common in children), eye drops.

Of course, this list must be expanded to include medications that your child has to take regularly. In a new environment and abroad, where the little body is confronted with a lot of new things, allergy medications can also be helpful. Be sure to find out whether medications that are prescribed at home can be legally carried in the destination country and which documents can prove the correctness of the medication in case of doubt.

If you are travelling for a long time, make sure that your medication is stored properly. It should not be left in the car for longer than necessary, for example, but should be kept in a cool place, protected from light (there is also a risk of frost outside in winter).

Last but not least: Check your child's vaccination status and pack their vaccination certificate. If possible, you should avoid travelling to areas with malaria, especially with small children. Other regions also require certain preventive vaccinations, which can be requested from the relevant authorities ( Federal Foreign Office in Germany , Foreign Ministry in Austria ).


Children often need a snack and are happy to have fresh fruit and vegetables when they are out and about. Sweets can also be "abused" on a trip to compensate for a low mood with a friendly sugar rush . The key is balance: on a trip, the rules may be different to those at home, but of course parents don't want eating habits to get out of hand. How do you manage this balancing act?

It is important to appreciate food and a shared eating culture. Even on vacation, meals together should be planned at set times. If unforeseen circumstances change this plan, it is still not a disaster, after all, the family experience and the good atmosphere are the most important thing. Whether it is self-catering in the vacation apartment, a buffet in the hotel, lunch in your pocket on a bike trip or even a visit to a restaurant: allow enough time to eat in peace . Pushing because an event is starting or because you cannot get through the entertainment program on time will not score you any points.

The special needs of babies and small children are particularly worth considering: if you are breastfeeding, you must be prepared for the fact that there will be some irregularities on vacation. Be prepared to compensate for these by having opportunities to pump milk. Solutions and periods for a quiet place without people should also be planned.

Also important: If your child suffers from allergies or food intolerances, you should research to what extent these can be accommodated at the destination or country you are visiting. The last thing you need is diarrhea or allergic reactions because, for example, lactose-free milk is not available. In an emergency, special foods must be packed. Here again, be careful with the rules for importing food into other countries!

Entertainment program

A big problem when travelling: boredom. This quickly causes children to become whiny. Lucky for the parents who are prepared. The classic, now even more varied and easier to access than it used to be: radio plays . Admittedly, very few of the classics are really suitable for parents and after a while the chorus of Conny, Benjamin Blümchen and other heroes can get on your nerves. But for children they offer a good mix of attention-grabbing entertainment and relaxation. Similar, but a problem for some parents to overcome: singing together . Children love repetition and can hum their favourite songs up and down. To get started, there are also song collections that you can listen to together and sing along to.

There are also games for on the go that require little material and help to pass the time during long journeys or waiting times. Here too, it doesn't necessarily have to be a new game idea every time, because repeating familiar games helps the little ones to relax and regenerate their energy.

Other options can also be used in the travel quarters or the train compartment with a table, such as painting or a bag of Lego bricks. A pack of colored pencils and paper or a collection of simple bricks doesn't take up much space, but opens up great opportunities for games and creativity. Limiting yourself to a small amount of material can be a huge boost for imagination and ideas.

Nowadays, electronic entertainment is available practically everywhere and is temptingly easy to use. But if you have set yourself the goal of going on a trip or vacation together, you shouldn't waste valuable time by using your tablet or laptop too much. However, as a reward after a hard day or as an emergency remedy when you as a parent urgently need to relax, a short film or game is no big deal.

When the children are older , it is often more challenging to offer meaningful activities. But trust in your teenagers' ability to pass the time on their own . Here, too, structured minimalism can help to spark creativity and curiosity. Independent exploration tours at the holiday destination, exciting books and the opportunity to meet people of the same age are all opportunities to escape from the often screen-heavy everyday life.


Even small trips can be unpredictable. Be brave and don't be too strict with your planning, despite our detailed tips. If something goes wrong, it's much more important to react in a relaxed and flexible manner, rather than getting annoyed that you can't stick to the optimal schedule. In the end, the well-being and happiness of the family is always the main focus. Nobody is watching your trip and awarding points .

It is important for young families to approach the topic slowly. The first trips will probably be to the local playground or to the grandparents, where you don't have to lug around an extensive first aid kit or boxes full of activity materials. We grow with our tasks and if we fail, the greatest misfortune is not the failure itself, but the fact that we don't learn anything from the experience.

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