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Tips for a relaxed pre-Christmas period

Tips for a relaxed pre-Christmas period - familienausflug.info

When I think of the ideal Advent, I think of baking cookies and wrapping presents. Of course, all in a relaxed manner with Christmas classics playing on the radio in the background.

The reality: pure stress.

Who do I still need to get a present for? In the evening I'm going to the Christmas market with my friends - I don't really have time, but I don't want to waste it either.

Of course, the children can tell when I'm stressed: everything seems to take forever for us to do - constant whining.

In the evening you just fall into bed exhausted, knowing that tomorrow it will be the same again.

​Do you know that too?

Here we have 9 effective tips for you on how to easily avoid Christmas stress.

​Secure your Christmas time!

​Would you like to have time to wrap presents? Reserve a few Advent dates in your calendar.

On these days/evenings it will be Christmassy. Bake cookies with the children, decorate the house or wrap presents on your own - whatever you feel like.

But discipline is required here, otherwise it won't work.

Consider these appointments as a firm commitment with yourself and/or your family – so don’t let yourself be distracted by spontaneous appointments.

Otherwise the calendar will be full again and the stress before Christmas is inevitable.

Grab your first Christmas decorations in November

You know that before Christmas it's always complete chaos?

You can get your Christmas lights in November. That way you have enough time to check all the lights and, if necessary, get a new string of lights. That way you don't have to dig everything out of the boxes at once and you can still look forward to a cozy home with sparkling lights in November.

What should I give as a gift?

At Christmas there are presents and the list of people to give presents to is probably long: partners, children, grandparents, nieces, nephews and parents.

Often you get a nice mug or something similar at the last minute . You are not happy with the gift, but it is better than giving nothing.

A great idea for this is to use a digital wish list . Whether you prefer to use an app or your digital shopping cart in an online shop is entirely up to you.

This way you get exactly what you wanted. If you all use digital wish lists, Christmas shopping will be much more relaxed for everyone.

A clear tip is to always ask what someone wants and not just go shopping blindly. It saves time and the person receiving the gift will definitely be happy about it.

Give yourself breaks

On a stressful day, consciously take more breaks . Do you notice that you react more hectically to every statement? Treat yourself to 10 minutes for a cup of tea. This will help you focus and react more relaxed. Otherwise, you might find yourself rushing and having to do tasks twice.

A small rule of thumb: the more stressful the situation, the more breaks you should take.

Get some fresh air together

Are you feeling overwhelmed and don't know what to do first? Then get outside and get some fresh air. Recharge your energy reserves and let your thoughts wander - you might find the solution to the problem much faster.

The possibilities for taking a short break in nature are almost endless:

Spend time with your loved ones

Of course, people you care about are simply part of the Christmas season. Why not try out a new Christmas market together or spend a day on the slopes?

Maybe you'll be invited for coffee or you'll arrange to meet up for cookies - it doesn't have to be anything elaborate .

With a little bit of beautiful music and candles, every day becomes a little Christmas experience.

Think about yourself too

You manage your family all year round - think about yourself during the Christmas season too . Buy yourself an Advent calendar if you feel like it and take a little time out just for yourself. It's important to use the time to do something you enjoy and not do the laundry because you have a free window of time.

Read a book, watch your favorite Christmas movie or listen to Christmas songs – anything is allowed as long as it makes you relaxed and happy.

Make compromises and dare to say no.

Is December 24th a stressful day for you? Brunch with your in-laws in the morning, lunch with your parents and then the gift giving in the evening. Of course you don't want to offend your own relatives, but such a stressful day simply takes the charm out of Christmas.

Talk to them – maybe you can at least postpone one of the family visits by a day or two.

Submit tasks

If everything just gets stressful, don't be afraid to hand over a few tasks . Are your parents coming to your house for Christmas dinner? Ask your mom if she can take care of dessert.

Or reduce the number of presents by introducing a Secret Santa system. Everyone only gives a present to one person and you can concentrate fully on what they want. This makes Christmas Eve quieter and more relaxed.

We hope that these tips can make the Advent season a little more relaxing for you.

We wish you a wonderful pre-Christmas season!

The team of Familienausflug.info

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